Friday, October 5, 2012

And when it rains,
everyone blames it on their own bad luck.
One hundred people standing alone,
drenched in their ways

Saturday, September 8, 2012

I was a schoolyard rat
I wanted nothing more
than just an inkling of what everyone else possessed,
but I was shooed away.
Socially exterminated.

Monday, May 14, 2012

There is much
to be said
The night continues to greet me like an old friend in a coffee shop.
"Hello Tucker, what are you doing here?" he asks me every evening
I always reply the same.
"I'm always here"

"So am I,
I just get drowned out by the sun in your eyes.
I am destined to be a shadow cast in the glory of the light, but I will never leave."

We have this in common.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Full Circle

Today I saw a man in a wheelchair struggling to push himself up a ramp.
The "handicap accessible ramp" seemed to be doing a poor job of fulfilling it's purpose.
I wanted to walk up to him, whisper gently into his ear.
"I got you, old friend. Please don't worry".

But I couldn't.
What if he was bitter, jaded, uninterested in my assistance?
What if he said "fuck off, kid. I don't need you or your stinking help"

I was too afraid to risk it. I kept walking. The thought of an unkind world making a old, crippled man angry scared me. As I walked on by, I became a member of that unkindness.

Maybe I was the straw that broke the camel's back. What if I made this man unkind by not stopping? My own fear became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

A regular citizen of the unkind world.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Do you ever walk into a room and immediately get a feel as to how your night is going to end? For example, when you walk into a house hosting a party and you say to yourself, "I am going to have some fun tonight". The room Nathan Hacker was about to walk into certainly did not feel like a party. The room Nathan Hacker was about to enter was a hospital room, with bare walls, a sick patient, and absolutely nothing that resembles a party setting.

Monday, March 26, 2012

You deserve better than this.
Your home life is formulated by
bellowed shouts through an open door
and a disagreement waiting to happen.

You don't know what I'd give to leave,
but I dread the thought of leaving you alone.
I'm not afraid of what you'd do, but rather,
what you wouldn't do.

Security is the cliff edge you stand on.
Happiness is the free fall that beckons you.