Monday, May 14, 2012

There is much
to be said
The night continues to greet me like an old friend in a coffee shop.
"Hello Tucker, what are you doing here?" he asks me every evening
I always reply the same.
"I'm always here"

"So am I,
I just get drowned out by the sun in your eyes.
I am destined to be a shadow cast in the glory of the light, but I will never leave."

We have this in common.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Full Circle

Today I saw a man in a wheelchair struggling to push himself up a ramp.
The "handicap accessible ramp" seemed to be doing a poor job of fulfilling it's purpose.
I wanted to walk up to him, whisper gently into his ear.
"I got you, old friend. Please don't worry".

But I couldn't.
What if he was bitter, jaded, uninterested in my assistance?
What if he said "fuck off, kid. I don't need you or your stinking help"

I was too afraid to risk it. I kept walking. The thought of an unkind world making a old, crippled man angry scared me. As I walked on by, I became a member of that unkindness.

Maybe I was the straw that broke the camel's back. What if I made this man unkind by not stopping? My own fear became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

A regular citizen of the unkind world.